Users can now query FMCSA motor carrier information by USDOT number on the Motor Carrier screen.
A validation rule has been added: Vehicles and trailers cannot have the same license plate.
A UI prompt displays when entering a vehicle license plate for a vehicle with a probable CMV Vehicle Body Type.
A validation rule has been added: When Motor Carrier Type is "interstate carrier", the Motor Carrier Identification Type must be USDOT number or unknown.
Setting the Motor Carrier Type to "interstate carrier" now automatically changes Motor Carrier Identification Type to USDOT number.
A validation warning has been added: When Motor Carrier Type is "intrastate carrier", the vehicle's license plate state should be Mississippi.
Setting the Motor Carrier Type to "intrastate carrier" now sets the Motor Carrier Identification State to MS and the Motor Carrier Number to the vehicle's license plate number.'