Mississippi eCrash Vendor Web Service Information

This web service exists to provide an agency's crash data to an authorized RMS vendor.


HTTP Basic Authentication is used for the request. A user name and password will be provided to each authorized vendor.

Service Details

Crash Report Data

A request to this endpoint returns data for multiple crash report records in JSON format from an indicated start point. The service returns new and updated records. The CrashReport.Id property is the identifier for each record. A row version is also returned to indicate the stopping point within the system.


TEST: https://ecrashtest.dps.ms.gov/api/vendor/download/v1/crashreports
PRODUCTION: https://ecrash.dps.ms.gov/api/vendor/download/v1/crashreports

Query Parameters

agencyId (Required) The 4-digit LEA number of the agency to pull crash report data for.
approvedOnly (Optional) Accepts a true or false value. Supplying true will only return records that are in an approval status. The default value is false.
skip (Optional) The number of crash report records to return from the starting row version. The default value is 0.
take (Optional) The number of crash report records to return from the starting row version. The default value is 100. This is also the maximum value.

Header Parameters

If-None-Match (Optional) The row version to start the data pull from. This needs to be a 16-character value with quotes around it. The row version is an alpha-numeric value. To start a pull from the beginning you may omit this parameter or use value “0000000000000000”.


The following responses should be expected when calling this service:

200 OK This response will include the new and updated records in the system since the supplied row version. Records will adhere to the crash report schema referenced below. It will also include a new row version in the eTag header to use in a future request.
304 Not Modified No new or updated crash records are in the system since the supplied row version.


A request to this endpoint will return a PDF of the MUCR for this crash record.


TEST: https://ecrashtest.dps.ms.gov/api/vendor/download/v1/pdf/{Crash report ID}
PRODUCTION: https://ecrash.dps.ms.gov/api/vendor/download/v1/pdf/{Crash report ID}

Path Parameters

All path parameters are required to make a successful PDF request.

{Crash report ID} The 32-character ID within the crash report record in the format: 00000000000000000000000000000000.

Query Parameters

includePhotos (Optional) Accepts a true or false value. Supplying false will return a MUCR PDF without photos included. The default value is true.
redact (Optional) Accepts a true or false value. Supplying true will return a MUCR PDF with sensitive information redacted. The default value is false.


404 Not Found The crash report ID supplied was not found in the system.
403 Forbidden The credentials supplied with the request were not authorized to access the MUCR PDF requested.
200 OK This response will include the requested MUCR PDF in the body. It will also include the row version of the report in the eTag header for reference. This allows you to distinguish versions of a MUCR PDF crash report.


A request to this endpoint returns an attachment for a given crash report.


TEST: https://ecrashtest.dps.ms.gov/api/vendor/download/v1/attachment/{Crash report ID}/{Attachment hash}/{File name}
PRODUCTION: https://ecrash.dps.ms.gov/api/vendor/download/v1/attachment/{Crash report ID}/{Attachment hash}/{File name}

Path Parameters

All path parameters are required to make a successful attachment request.

{Crash report ID} The 32-character ID within the crash report record in the format: 00000000000000000000000000000000.
{Attachment hash} The supplied SHA-1 hash encoded in hexadecimal of the attachment requested. It should be a 40-character, alpha-numeric value.
{File name} The supplied file name within the crash report record.


404 Not Found The requested combination of crash report ID, attachment hash, and attachment filename is not found in the system.
200 OK This response will include the requested file.


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