Mississippi eCrash (2019) is an electronic crash reporting and transmission procedure system. The utility contains a full complement of administrative tools, including MOVE and MapClick, which facilitates complete report submission by a single officer. The product of these technologies, the Mississippi Uniform Crash Report (MUCR); is comprehensive, in-depth, and compliant with current national law enforcement reporting regulations.

Mississippi eCrash features include:

Mississippi eCrash allows the officer in the field to seamlessly evaluate a crash incident and tailor each report to the site, scene, and number of individuals involved. The segmentation of datasets facilitates the methodical flow of data collected from orientation to a narrative and notes section. Mississippi eCrash (2019) is a mesh of breakthrough technologies coupled with strict adherence to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) MMUCC 5 standard. Officers have the ability to report crash incident with the greatest possible detail, diagramming, and narratives available in today's technology. The Report validation feature ensures all reports are submitted without error or omission of required sections.

The User Interface allows for a fluid transition of the completed MUCR into a real-time web portal for easy accessing, modification, and archiving. On-site data is never lost with the improved timelines of data entry and capturing. With eCrash, you'll never have another inaccurate / incomplete report.

eCrash Resources

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